The Battle with Anxiety, part 2

If you’re watching the Olympics right now, you’re seeing a lot more talk about mental health. Simone Biles, an incredible athlete, stepped down from some of the competition due to mental struggles. I’m not here to be on one side or the other about that decision and in my humble opinion, neither should anyone but her and her team. Only she knows what’s going on in her brain. I just know as someone who personally struggles with anxiety and panic, that I empathize with her and wish her all the best. (And I was really proud to see her get on that balance beam!) With that said, you’re never too old, too young, too famous, or too good for counseling or therapy.  God gave us ONE LIFE here on this earth.  Why the heck would you just suck it up and deal when you can make it better?  Do you think the Lord wants us to sit around and be miserable for the rest of our time here?  I don’t think that was His intent when He created us.  And how can we be fruitful for the kingdom if we are in a constant state of anxiety or depression?

You’re never going to be too Christian or too crunchy for medication, either. Sorry, but it’s true. Now, does everyone need medicine?  Of course not!!!  So many people get relief from regular exercise, diet changes and therapy alone!  But if that’s not enough, you’re not too holy to ask a doctor about taking something for it.  Sorry to burst that holy bubble.

When someone confides in you and tells you they have anxiety, please don’t treat them like a little glass doll.  And never start a sentence with, “well I know you struggle with anxiety, so…”  Nope.  We ALL struggle with it at some point in time and at some level.  That person is a regular human being.  Just be yourself. We can tell when you’re tip toeing. And it’s just awkward. If you’ve asked them to go out for a fun evening somewhere and they keep saying no, it’s okay. Ask if you can just go sit with them on their back porch for a coffee date instead! It may end up being the best afternoon you’ve had in a long time! 

I may get some hate mail for this blog post, but I honestly do not care.  The Lord has allowed me to grow and learn a lot through my anxiety and I will share whatever I can to help others.  So many people are suffering every day and need help for such a time as this.  If you need to talk to someone, do it.  If you need some medicine for a little while, go ask about it.  Stop making excuses.  Stop letting people make you feel lesser for your trials.  We all have trials.  They are all different and look different.  So hold one another up instead. 

Pray and ask the Lord to guide you.  To show you what you need.  There is help out there!  And it may not be in the first therapist you encounter. I’ve seen several. I’ve had to leave certain ones to go to others and sometimes the ones I’ve gone to have recommended I see someone else that can do a different technique to help me. So please don’t be discouraged if your first try isn’t super successful.  (Same goes for the medicine!)

Grab your headphones and turn on that bilateral music. Get up and go for a walk. Open the Bible and read the Psalms. Put on that Vetiver oil and breathe in deeply. It’s okay not to be okay, but there is hope. And help.

To my friends and family who have sat with me during a panic attack, I thank you. To my mom who used to sit with me when I was a child getting sick behind the scenes, I thank you. To my husband who has pulled the car over numerous times because I needed to get out of the car, thank you. To my kids who write me encouraging notes and give me hugs despite myself, I thank you. To my Lord and Savior who suffered anxiety before the cross and understands me, and cares for me, I’m forever grateful. To all of my counselors who have lifted me up and told me my feelings were valid, I thank you. They’ve all given me the courage and will to keep fighting.

Psalm 46:1-3

God Is Our Fortress

To the choirmaster. Of the Sons of Korah. According to Alamoth. A Song.

God is our refuge and strength,
    a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
    though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
    though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah