So Unpopular

I was never the popular kid at school. I was never in the “cool” group of kids in the elementary and middle school I attended. In fact, many of the so called “popular” kids either acted like I didn’t exist, or were plain mean to my face. It was middle school though and I am sure many of these people are totally amazing human beings now. We were all fighting our own battles and figuring out what place we had on this earth. I do not hold judgment against them. I know I wasn’t always kind either. I could have and should have done a LOT of things better as well. But middle school is just a weird time for everyone. I was blessed with braces and glasses simultaneously and had some major seagull bangs going on. I was just a mess of awkward. I switched schools after ninth grade, went to a different high school, and made some really great friends. I was thankful for the switch even though I was initially terrified. But even in college, I wasn’t “cool.” I had plenty of amazing friends though and that’s all that mattered to me.

So this whole popular thing. I realize I have never really been popular nor is it a goal of mine. I am who I am. You see what you get. I spend most of my time trying to be more authentic and real. Give me real over popular any day of the week. I have been loved and I have been hated by so called Christians. I admit that sometimes it is easier for me to hang out with my dogs than people. None of my three pups judge me.

I realize as I get older and now have children of my own how I do not need to be popular. My children do not need to be popular. My faith and values are not necessarily popular, either. In fact, many of them may be considered controversial even. Scripture is not “progressive”. It does not change with the times. It remains the same, and this should be a comfort to us. But some people think it is old fashioned, unloving and just not popular.

So when I teach my kids what’s important, I don’t think I will tell them that being popular is important. Because it really isn’t. In fact, doing what’s unpopular can be what is actually true and right. Sadly, true and right are not the equivalent of cool in our current culture. And many may be shocked by this statement but we don’t have to agree with someone to show them kindness, love and respect.

I watched an awesome video of a young man helping out his teammate with Down syndrome on the basketball court. He could have easily shot a goal, but instead he handed the ball to his fellow teammate and helped him score a basket. He cared more about his friend having the experience of shooting a goal and gaining points for the team than he did about scoring the points himself. It was completely selfless but so long lasting and impactful for the child with special needs. I wish more of our world was like this. This is what should be popular.

I hope that I can carry the theme of standing up for what is true and right on to my children. That even when the popular kids are making fun of the kid with glasses, or the kid with disabilities, to be different and invite those children to sit with them at lunch. That even when the popular kids want to be reckless, that my children will want to remain above reproach. Even if this means they will be deemed “unpopular.” We need to remember there is a ton of false teaching out there, even in churches today. But that God’s Word stands the test of time. It is infallible. What God says is what He means. And Christ never asked us to be popular. He tells us to come as we are. Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). What a promise! And speaking of popular, Jesus had a following of twelve sinners. Just twelve. In the end, the majority still chose Barabbas who was a criminal to be released from prison over pardoning Jesus.

I hope and pray that I will stand up for what is right, and that my children will as well. That we will not “progress” with the times because people think badly of us if we don’t conform to what is mainstream. I can only pray we will remain faithful to what is TRUE and righteous. I definitely need the Lord’s help with this though. Going against the mainstream isn’t easy. It seems like we are swimming uphill sometimes. But God.

I have a feeling I will be clinging to this Scripture verse over these next several years: Philippians 1:6 which says, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

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