My Word (not resolution) for 2022

I find that choosing a word is a lot less intimidating, and much more helpful than trying to keep a resolution for 365 days.

Do you make new year’s resolutions?  I used to make one every year, but then became quickly disappointed in myself when I didn’t follow through…by February or sooner.  But according to statistics, I am not alone!  My editor at Lowcountry Parent magazine told me some interesting facts about this:

Studies have shown that less than 25% of the population stays committed to their resolutions after thirty days and only 8% accomplish them!  Wow. It feels good to not be alone in my failures if I am being honest here. Haha! However, if you are in the 8% of the population, I applaud you and encourage you to continue!  If you are in the other 92% like I am, that struggles to come up with a resolution-much less stick to one-then let’s try something different for 2022.

Several years ago, some of my family members encouraged me to choose a word for the new year instead of a resolution.  It could be any word that mirrored a goal or something to press towards in the new year.  Since then, I have chosen several words that have helped me grow mentally, physically, and spiritually.   All these words have encouraged me and helped me remain focused on a healthy goal throughout the year.  One year my word was present.  I was so tired of worrying about the future or being stuck in the past.  I truly wanted to live in the present.  Last year my word was bold, and I guess it’s a good thing since we made a major family move and lived through a pandemic!  For 2022, my year is peace.  I want my heart, soul and mind to be more at peace in the coming year.  With all that is going on in the world, I know this will be challenging.   I am expecting it to be truly difficult, actually. But just because peace is my word for the year, doesn’t mean I will be at peace in time for 2023. It just means I will be focusing on this word, and reminding myself to seek peace each day. I’ll be praying for the Lord to give me His peace every day. I will strive towards maintaining peace in my life and household. I believe it will help me breathe, take things slowly and even work on self-care which I usually stink at doing. 

There are several ways you can try choosing a word for 2022.  You can choose one on your own for individual growth or you can choose one word together as a family that you want to focus on for the upcoming year.  If you choose one individually, you can set aside a special dinnertime to share the words you’ve chosen with the family.  Sometimes it helps to have encouragement from those you love when it comes to challenging ourselves with a goal or priority.  For children, they can choose a word, a fruit of the spirit, a Bible verse, a character trait or even a positive affirmation.  There are so many ways you can make this work for family members of all ages.  Sometimes families like to create goals and plans together.  If this sounds like a good idea to you, your family can set aside time to discuss goals and values.  Together, you can come up with ideas for a family word or two for the new year.  Yes, you can choose more than one.  You can even choose a phrase!  It is completely up to you.  

I find that choosing a word is a lot less intimidating, and much more helpful than trying to keep a resolution for 365 days.  Especially when February comes around and my resolutions had already failed.  You can’t really fail at a word.  It is meant to be inspiring, and goal focused.  And setting goals is always a healthy practice for everyone, right?  

Let’s make a resolution not to make any more resolutions from now on and choose words as goals instead. What will your word or phrase be for 2022?  Tell me in the comments!

John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

Follow my family’s adventures in Charleston, SC on Instagram: momaboutcharleston