Stuck between a rock and a hard place

We may throw our hands up and say, “You’re giving me no choice here, Lord.” But God has us there for a reason.

You’ve probably heard the phrase “I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.” This usually refers to a very difficult situation we find ourselves in in which we must make a decision, but our only choices are equally challenging. We either choose option A, which is the difficult but necessary option or option B, the other difficult but necessary option. It sounds depressing, I know. But sometimes, as they say in the Mandelorian, “This is the way.”

I am a visual learner, and was beginning to actually picture myself being trapped in between a rock and…another rock. It isn’t a pleasant thought. In fact, I hate feeling “stuck.” It is an anxiety trigger of mine. If I feel trapped, it can lead to all sorts of panic. But this morning God reminded me of someone in Scripture who He literally hid in the cleft of a rock…on purpose. He hid him there for his own protection. Yes, I am talking about Moses. Moses wanted to see the Lord, but God knew that His glory and Holiness would literally be too much for Moses, and would kill him. So the Lord devised a brilliant plan.

Exodus 33:21-22 says, “And the Lord said, “Behold, there is a place by me where you shall stand on the rock, and while my glory passes by, I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back, but my face shall not be seen.”

The Lord literally puts Moses in the cleft of the rock for his own protection. This is the only way in which Moses may witness the magnificent glory of God. This comforted me so much this morning as I was thinking about feeling trapped, or forced into a difficult position.

Maybe He is placing me here for my own protection.

Maybe I need to be here so that I can experience His glory.

He may not allow me to see all the reasons for this difficulty, or even what life will look like in the midst of it, but I can be assured that His hand will guard me from danger.

The rock He is placing me in is sheltering me.

I hope this comforts you today as we begin another year. The last two years have been meh, to put it mildly. We have all been forced to make difficult yet necessary decisions for ourselves and for our family. This will continue into 2022. Sometimes we may literally feel like we are stuck between a rock and a hard place. We may throw our hands up and say, “You’re giving me no choice here, Lord.” But God has us there for a reason. Maybe He has to place us there in order for us to witness His hand on us and in our lives. No matter what, we can be assured that He has put us here for a purpose. And for this season (not necessarily forever). We may just need to ask Him to open our eyes so we can see His glory in the midst of our circumstance.

I hope this post blesses you today. If you want to follow our family and our adventures in Charleston, SC and other areas, please find me on Instagram! My name is momaboutcharleston.